Technological Crafting:

I intentionally refer to this as "Technological crafting" not being a "Maker" because all which I am doing descends from the emotional state of crafting.

Soldering your own recreational electronics has more in common with sewing your own clothes or other such crafts than it does being a professional electronics engineer.

Thus, this is my rambly set of screwing around, because I like woodworking and plastic fabrication and welding and electronics and sculpture. And the times I've sewn things, it's been pretty damn fun. So I guess technological crafting is all about that eccentric mis-mash of bizarre interests.

Project Builds


Voron Trident build
Why a Voron Trident: It's an enclosed printer to promote healthy geekroom air quality through the use of an enclosure and an air filter. It's CoreXY and Klipper and therefore has a lot of opportunities for cleaner prints because of better motion control. At the same time, it doesn't have quite as…


Voron 0.2 R1 build
I figured it was worth making a build log for a Voron printer, because I guess everybody does. Why a Voron Zero: It's an enclosed printer to promote healthy geekroom air quality through the use of an enclosure and an air filter. It's CoreXY and Klipper and therefore has a lot of opportunities for…


The M4 Feather LED strip driver
I set up my M4 Feather board previously using CircuitPython. But I ran out of RAM on the M4, so I went for a Teensy 4.1 instead for driving LED strips with CircuitPython. This is my revisited build using the M4 in the Arduino environment.


I'm doing AdaFruit's light painting tutorial... but I haven't a CLUE.
AdaFruit has done a series of light painting tutorials. First, they did a tutorial with the NeoPixel strips and an Arduino . Then they upgraded it to the DotStar LEDs and used a Raspberry Pi . Then they downgraded the LEDs to the NeoPixels and switched to CircuitPython . And most recently…


6502 Hack Day Build
I always wanted to build a 6502 based computer. The 6502 is the chip used in all sorts of computers throughout history, ranging from the Apple II, the NES, and the Commodore 64... all of the way through to the Terminator and Bender. I've drawn a bunch of attempted schematics, never really bothered…



Mass Customization with 3D printed systems
Appearing at the 2024 Bay Area Maker Faire It may be tempting to 3D print the same thing again and again, but it is cheaper and faster to make the same thing using molding techniques. In order to really use the unique advantages of 3D printing, printed objects should be unique. They should be…


Gen3 Lightpainting boards
I do light painting and I ended up wanting some customized lighting implements. gen3piano 8 buttons, 8 LEDs, constant current LED drivers, all through-hole Schematic and PCB available , PCB orderable from DirtyPCBs gen3basic 3 x 5mm LEDs, 3x APA102 5050 LEDs, 3 buttons, some surface mount…


6502 Stuff
The famous CPU series for the Apple II series, the Commodore 64, Atari 8-bit series, NES, Bender, and the Terminator My project stuff The 6502 Hack Day build A 6502 SBC built in a day-ish. Other eccentric and interesting stuff Dirk Grappendorf's really quite nice 6502 build Daryl's SBC2 - A fairly…



Replacing my Ender 3 v2's build surface with G10
tl;dr: G10 is pretty neat stuff, although Angus is wrong and you can't score-and-snap the thick stuff. I knew, starting out, that I wanted to print PETG on my Ender 3v2. But that led me down the notion of printing nylon and other interesting materials. It turns out that a lot of what I want to do…


Ender 3v2 with a Bondtech DDX and a Slice Mosquito.
After a bit of an incident with some black PETG and the hard discovery that some PETG formulations will work with a PTFE-tube hotend but not others, I resorted to a printer upgrade. I figured it would be a relatively fast upgrade but it turned out that my printer was either fully out of commission…


Ender 3v2 from July to October
tl;dr: Auto-leveling is great, Silky PLA is great and PETG is annoying, vase mode and fat nozzles are great, and prints are mostly turning out right without pain and suffering. So far, I got a printer, managed to actually print things other than calibration pieces and printer mods, and then the…