Morning bike ride

So I just finished my morning bike ride.

I’m still in recovery at the moment. It wasn’t a distance ride as much as an up-and-down hill sort of ride where I was glad that I got a hybrid instead of a road bike.

I biked up to the Stevens Creek County Park from Wireheaddia and then wandered through the various trails. I did a LOT of up-and-down and was picking up a lot of prickly thingies.

Oh, I got prickly things on my leg hair, too… But, since we’ve already established , I guess I gotta deal.

My current biking problem is that I don’t have the cardiac endurance to do hills very well. I can get up a certain distance on the energy stored in my legs at a low cadence, but after that, I have problems keeping going, even in the granny gear. But I can bike on flat ground for miles and miles now, so it’s probably just a matter of building up some more endurance.

I also wore suncreen so I didn’t get sunburns and look like I’m wearing red thigh-high stockings for the next week. :D

