Bike Blog


Morning bike ride
So I just finished my morning bike ride. I'm still in recovery at the moment. It wasn't a distance ride as much as an up-and-down hill sort of ride where I was glad that I got a hybrid instead of a road bike. I biked up to the Stevens Creek County Park from Wireheaddia and then wandered through the…


The REALLY long way home. :P
So our _ was acting up today and I had to fix it. So _ _ and I spent a bunch of time on the phone with ___ (who, I might add, are prone to EXCEPTIONAL bouts of stupidity in a "getting paged at 2am" sort of way). But... ehrm... long story short they "wiggled a few wires" and the problem went away…


Re-learning the bike
I've picked up some bad habits over the years on my bike. Back when I was a kid, my parents would always have me bike on the bike trails or on the sidewalk. But it turns out, statistically speaking, that it's a good way to get crunched.... and it's also illegal to ride on the sidewalk. So I've…


Bike thoughts...
So, I’ve been biking to work routinely now, plus biking for fun. Some thoughts on the subject: I have nothing in terms of spares on the bike. I’ve never had any sort of spares and it never got me into trouble before, but it does occur to me that it’s better to be safe rather than sorry. So I am…


I'm high as a kite on endorphins....
...but I made it in to work just fine on the bike. I took Grant road from the apartment all the way till it dead-ends into 237 and from there took a chunk of the Steven's Creek Trail from the trailhead till it reaches Mountain View. And then I got on the VTA rail line the rest of the way. I'm…


I got a bike
I’ve been wanting to get a bike for a few months now. The way I figure it, given that WireCorp is in Sunnyvale and is only a few miles away, there’s no point in not biking to work. The healthiest i’ve ever been was when I was biking to work. Right now, I’m a tad too overweight and I have a vauge…