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Step 6: A CAN do attitude
Manta M8P plus CM4 cooling What I really want to do is mount a fan to directly cool the stepper drivers and a second fan to directly cool the Raspberry Pi. So I found one mod that mounts a 40mm fan on the CM4 module and a second mod that mounts a 5015 blower fan in a air duct for the steppers…


Step 5: Toolhead and final integration prep
The eventual Dragon Burner upgrade While purchasing things I keep thinking that maybe I should just get the much-hyped Nitehawk 36 and just go straight to DragonBurner. But my LDO Sherpa was a pain in the butt that left me asking "Wait, isn't LDO supposed to be the people who don't send you weird…


Step 4: Frame and bed
Getting tired of not having a large printer, actually. Also, I have a bunch of other stuff going on. Tap Okay, so two problems here... First, the manual is from Tap R6 and then there's an errata file explaining what the differences are. Second, part of why you are urged to build a stock…


Mass Customization with 3D printed systems
Appearing at the 2024 Bay Area Maker Faire It may be tempting to 3D print the same thing again and again, but it is cheaper and faster to make the same thing using molding techniques. In order to really use the unique advantages of 3D printing, printed objects should be unique. They should be…