Today's ride was a little weird

Reasons why today’s commute was weird:

  • Riding up on the overpass, I was behind another clyde on a mountain bike. Except he’s not as far along as I was, so I was sitting there not even panting using the middle chainring and he was standing up to get more power. I seem to have come a long way.
  • I hear the thudding of rap music cranked all the way up at the light. I look over my shoulder and see two cars… a minivan and a compact. The thudding was coming from the minivan. The driver gets out of the car at the light to attend to something in the back and I get a whiff of marijuana from the car. I am not making this up.
  • I told my co-worker who thought I was weird for riding in the rain that today’s commute was actually much harder. Why? Because I was riding through 10mph headwinds, which ruined my top speed.
  • Watching a cop jaywalk and thus being very careful to signal while riding. Kind of like how you check the speedometer when you see a cop car, but the bike version.
  • Watching the Sunnyvale fire trucks peel out of the fire station.
  • Actually seeing a driver use his brights as a “Hey, you go first” signal instead of pretending that his brights were lasers. Which is usually what happens when I’m driving the speed limit in a car and the person behind me wishes I was driving faster than the speed limit (I drive like a grandma these days… which is doubly funny when you consider how Grandma Wakat used to drive)

